Wednesday 25 December 2013


I've not used my blog for a long, long time, however on this Christmas Day, I feel its important that I need to talk about something that happened to me this year that changed my life. In January of this year, I was cast in a production of Jonathan Larson's RENT. 

RENT is like no other production, RENT changes people, RENT changed me. 

The show is set in America, at the end of the millennium, it focuses on a group of friends, artists living in New Yorks East village, with no money, no heat, no means to pay the rent, and the threat of death around the corner. Most of the group are living with AIDS or HIV. The show teaches to live for the day, to "forget regret" and to live under the mantra "No Day But Today"

On the 25th January 1996, RENT had it's final dress rehearsal to an astounded audience at the New York Theatre Workshop two weeks before it opened officially. That night after the performance, the shows creator Jonathan Larson went home, collapsed and died alone on the floor of his apartment after suffering from an aortic aneurysm. He was thirty-five. Jonathan never saw his masterpiece performed. 

The show stands as a tribute to his life and ran on Broadway until September 2008.

I was honoured to play a principal roll in the show. Jonathan created such a life affirming book and score, it teaches that the values of friendship and love are so much more important than any material possession. It has given me a completely different outlook on life, I have been changed.

Please, if you have the opportunity, find a production of the show and see it! Buy the DVD, listened to the soundtrack, but most importantly, measure your life in love and remember there really is "NO DAY BUT TO DAY"  

Friday 28 December 2012

Jack Blogs about September to December

Hello again internet friends!

Its been a while hasn't it, i've been a busy boy. Since I last posted a blog I,ve settled into college, seen Tim Minchin belt out some disco bible (Jesus Christ Superstar) got a job, and performed to 300 people over two nights in ladies underwear. So this is what i've been up to.

Started college, wohoo, I'm on a higher level extended performing arts course for anyone who cares. It's absolutely amazing fun, and I work with a group of the most friendly, happy, talented, sexy people on the planet. Also that month I saw Tim Minchin LIVE in JCS, brilliantly putting my favourite musician and musical together in one two and a half hour musical spectacular! (Also Andrew Lloyd Webber turned up that night so thats a bonus!)

Not much really happened this month, just college and rehearsals for our big show in December!

Much the same as October, i was just a bit more tired.

Started my new job, and performed our christmas show, which involved me performing a number from Rocky Horror in full drag and makeup. All in all a tiring month, but christmas was at the end so it's been nice to unwind for a few weeks.

Thats about it for now, I will speak to you in the new year!


Monday 22 October 2012

Jack Blogs About His Bucket List

Hello there,

Erm, well, when I said I would be posting every two weeks, I think I was being a bit ambitious, I had a bit of a two month holiday. BUT I'm back now, much to your delight (probably)

So, I was having a conversation with somebody the other day about things that we would like to do before we die. Now there has always been a few things that I want to do before I kick the bucket, but I'd never really put together a proper bucket list, until now that is!

So here it is, the top 5 things I want to do before I die, in no particular order!

  1. Visit the 7 wonders of the world
  2. Dive in the great barrier reef
  3. Watch Derren Brown LIVE (the freaky wizard genius)
  4. Spend a month traveling the USA
  5. Eat at a 'Celebrity Chefs' restaurant

Now they're pretty predictable and boring, but you've got to admit, they're pretty awesome things to do! Let me know what your bucket list is, comment here or tweet me @TheJackForrest

Thanks Ya'll!!!
Jack :D

Saturday 8 September 2012

Jack Blogs About: The Best Moment Of His Life

Hi guys,

Just a short one this time, but it's worth sharing.

Me and my family were eating the other day and the topic of our favorite moments in life was brought up, my Nan asked me what mine was. Now it took some serious thinking but I think that I finally know what it is. 

This moment wasn't that long ago really, September 2011, I went on a school trip to Italy. Now this trip was originally planned for March of that year but due to, and I quote 'major engine failure' on the plane, the trip had to be canceled. (We aimed for Rome, we made a travel-lodge in Manchester) But anyway, the trip was re-arranged and we finally got to Italy a few months late.

Our hotel in Sorrento was on the fifth floor of a block of flats, and to get from the front desk to the rooms, you had to walk across a sort of outside corridor type thing. This corridor overlooked a tiny beach, out over the sea and in the distance, you could just make out the Italian mountains.

After we un-packed we headed to the dining room for some food, this was just as the sun was setting. Because we had been told a certain time to go to the dining room, a large group of us set off together. As we walked over the outside corridor though, something caught our eye, and it was certainly the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen.

That evening a group of us stood on that corridor and watched the sun set over the sea behind the mountains. It reminded me how lucky I was to be there, even if we were a bit late. I would happily give my right leg to go and re-live that fantastic experience. Great place, great people, amazing experiences.

Thanks guys, DFTBA!
Jack :D   

Sunday 2 September 2012

Jack Blogs About: The Great British Summer

Rain, umbrellas, pale skin and repeats of Come Dine With Me, or as we British call it, 'Summer'. However, we're used to it now and so we all do our best to pull through. Now some British people find that leaving the country during the summer, and going to a lovely beach resort in Spain or France or America or one of the planets other warm places is the best thing, but because my family are just the most optimistic people in the world, we find that going 40 minuets down the M6 to Blackpool for two weeks is the best way to escape the rain. Oh God.

Blackpool is just like Manchester only its windier and there's more hen and stag parties. But every year I spend two weeks in a small, cramped, Wi-Fi-less caravan with my mother and two of my sisters, now in those circumstances, two weeks is far too long, especially as I have to sleep on a sofa bed that is about a foot shorter than me and has a mattress thinner than a really thin thing and a shower so small and un reliable that you have to plan your showers at least three hours in advance to make sure you get a bit of hot water.

Now I really don't want to complain, but I'm going to, it really isn't for me anymore. It's great for my sisters who think it's the greatest experience of their lives but for a 16 year old lad, I find it a trifle tedious. I would really much prefer to stay at home and go out with my mates. I'm one of those people who can't survive for long periods of time without seeing my friends, unless I'm doing something that I really enjoy that is, but I found after about 8 days in a caravan, I found that I was really craving seeing the people that meant most to me. My ideal summer is just sitting somewhere with a group of mates doing nothing but enjoying each others company, and that's what I will do next year, no more caravans, no more Come Dine With Me and no more rain! (No rain, ha! Well, we can all dream)

 (Now I promised that I would mention my wonderful friend Bethan in this blog, so I suppose this is me doing that. She is way more awesome than me, her words not mine.)

 Thanks guys, see you next week!

Jack :)

Sunday 26 August 2012

Jack Blogs About: Film in 2012

Hi guys,
Film this year has been frankly quite amazing. There have been some films that have been soooo good that I have seen them more than once, and there has been some that have let me down, but more about those later.

Now I really don’t want to turn this into a string of really boring film reviews because you can find them anywhere on the internet, instead I just want this to be some of my basic views on the films I have seen so far this year.

 So back in February I went to see the re-release of Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace  in its re-mastered 3D format. Yes, I know, it’s the Phantom Menace, but I like Star Wars, get over it.

Just after Star Wars, about an half after actually, I went to see Chronicle, now, there’s a good film, I didn’t like the ending though, that was my only little quibble .

 Next came Wrath of the Titans. OH MY GOD… CRAP. I saw this film at the IMAX in London, I fell asleep, in the IMAX, nuff said.

 Then came American Reunion, now this film really let me down, I really don’t know why, it just didn’t feel American Pie-ish enough. Hmmmmmm?

Now it starts getting good! THE AVENGERS! That film was just pure magic. If you didn’t see it, you missed out big time. Iron man, Thor, Cap, Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Widow, what more do you need?

 Went a bit quiet for a while after that because of exams and stuff but I returned with a bang, a big, spidery bang. THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN.  That film blew me away, on par with The Avengers.

 Next up was the big one. THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, I was very excited about this film, and it didn’t disappoint, my only problem was that Mr Wayne didn’t spend enough bat-time in his bat-suit.

 The latest film I have seen was Ted, I can sum this film up in one word, disappointing.

 That’s it for now but in the next couple of weeks I plan to see Total Recall, The Watch and Keith Lemon: The Film.

Let me know what you think of these films. Tweet me at @TheJackForrest


Thanks guys!



Jack :D

Friday 10 August 2012

Jack Blogs About: The Olympics

About this time 4 years ago in 2008, I was a 12 year old sat in a barbers waiting to have my hair cut. While I was waiting, the Beijing 2008 Olympics were on the TV in the shop, and I really couldn't care less, I was more interested in playing Mario on my DS. I probably felt this way until about twenty to ten on the 27th July 2012. I was watching the London 2012 opening ceremony, The epic production that Danny Boyle had put together was truly awe inspiring, especially for a performer such as myself.

As I watched that ceremony, I began to realize that the Games in London is actually a HUGE honor for my country. I must admit though, watching the athletes walk out during the opening ceremony for two and a half hours was one of the most tedious experiences of my life, but it's these athletes that I have a massive deal of respect for, so you've got to endure the boring stuff haven't you?

Now I've never really been a huge sports fan, I'll watch the England World Cup football games, but I would never really go out of my way to actually attend a sporting event. However, after watching some of the events at the game,  it's gone about changing my mind! The talent that those possess is some thing that they should be immensely proud of, and there's no doubt in my mind that they're not. They've given up so much of their lives for this event, and now that they're Olympians, they must feel so thrilled and proud to have accomplished their life goals at such a young age for some of them.

But anyway, it almost over, an event that has been more than 4 years in the making, over in just over two weeks. I think I will probably get quite emotional watching the closing ceremony as these are the games that have changed my opinion of the games and sport all together. I look forward to Rio in 2016.


Jack :)